Thankful for this man Just in case you didn’t know, today is Thanksgiving Eve-Eve. Now you’re thinking, what? Here’s how it is: Thanksgiving is Thursday, so Wednesday would be Thanksgiving Eve and since this is Tuesday, it’s Eve-Eve. Confused yet? Since it is Eve-Eve most of us have our minds and selves working overtime in preparation for the gathering feast. A trip to the market, and then another to pick up more eggs…baking pies, cutting up sourdough for stuffing, cleaning the house, or at least running the vacuum…oh yeah, wrapping early presents that you want to send home with people to avoid shipping or trying to pack into your Mini Coop. Frantic mania! Maybe I’m only describing my life, but I have no doubt your story sounds just like mine – it’s called life. I climbed out of bed around 5:30am – again. (Side note: I don’t get up at that time of day, ever!) My coffee and devo time was quiet and peaceful, bu...