Sort of parked on the least it's mostly grass Living in Australia taught me many earth shattering things, like beets are called beetroot, but carrots are not called carrotroot. You “ring” when you are phoning someone and to “call” is actually to stop by. You can understand my American confusion at some of the Aussie ways and vernacular. Fortunately, we had great friends that kept us straight on proper protocol in this once penal colony. Terminology tweaks set aside, there was the whole driving on the left side of the road. What’s up with that? Is it because they are on the other side of the world or just trying to be oh, so British? I must admit, I never did relaxed when cars were careening toward me from the “wrong” lane. Now, that we’re on the subject of cars, it is perfectly natural to park in the verge. To be honest, I didn’t know what a “verge” was. Oh, I knew the word as in “edge or limit” but i...