farmers market find - fresh but not home-grown I garden. I don’t really call myself a gardener, that’s for the serious folks, to whom my hat goes off – often visiting their stalls at the farmers’ market. I do like to have a small patch of stuff growing and definitely pots filled with fresh herbs to keep me happy. This year, sort of by hook and a little crook, I became involved in a new community garden. I’m on the steering committee which sounds more glamorous than it actually is. It’s a balancing act dealing with the city parks department, interacting with the potential gardeners and the parks foundation which handles our funds. Other than the initial rudimentary required paperwork, the rest has gone fairly smoothly; aside from critters of some munching ilk getting in and having their way with a few tomatoes, tender lettuce leaves and ah snap…peas. Our garden has also had a steep learning curve in regards to soil condition. It wo...