Much of
the time the busyness of life seems to keep us in a constant whirl of
activities and expectations; taking away our joy and appreciation for what is
truly important.
Breathe: to
pause and rest before continuing
When was the
last time I paused to rest? During last
week’s hike it was often on the uphill climb; not at all going down. This makes perfect sense. It takes more work and effort to go uphill;
requiring the energy gained from pausing. In today’s
writing class I wrote a simple phrase:
The pressures of life cook one’s soul
A couple
of thoughts come to mind, both related to the cooking process. First, if one is “cooked” he might be totally
spent; much like leaving the pot roast in the oven to long. The meat is dried out and not
appetizing. The
second contemplation is how cooking creates something wonderfully
delicious. The same pot roast, juicy,
succulent and surrounded by root vegetables perfectly caramelized. The same meal: one delectable, one needing to be tossed in
the bin.
So, how
are the pressures of life cooking your soul?
Are you climbing uphill and in need of a rest, or is it easy going? Pause, rest and then continue to breathe.
Breathing in spite of life’s
pressures ~ Missy
I took time to breathe today..went on a tour of greenhouses and flowers and smelled the sweetness of it all..