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Unpacking thoughts...and ornaments

Collection of Vintage Ornaments

Oh, noblest of trees you sit as yet unadorned, save the pretty faceted white lights nestled in your branches

My confession:  our tree has been up for a couple of days, but only has lights … and just got moved from one spot to another.  I was having a hard time deciding where it should reside for the next few weeks.  With that task settled, the little Noble desperately needs ornaments hanging from its bushy, fragrantly green branches.

Down in the basement, Christmas tubs have been opened and pawed through for the pre-tree decorating, you know angels, Santas and my Grandma’s nativity set.  However, the ornament boxes were yet untouched, until this morning.

As I opened each box I thought about my collection of ornaments, the story behind each; where they came from and when, as well as where they are placed in the tree.  On our first Christmas together, Lonny and I received a little glass bird.  This tiny bird is always placed high in our tree, near the crystal and wire star that sits at the very tippy top.

Not everyone has pleasant thoughts and baubles to unpack, including me.  Sometimes, the memory is a bittersweet one, like remembering a loved-one who has passed on.  However, others are dealing with great losses and difficulties.

As I’m unpacking my thoughts and packages one that I want to find during this Advent season is great compassion, hope and kindness. I’d like to give these trimmings to those who might not have Norman Rockwell remembrances. 

Writing up a different wish list ~ Missy

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  1. yes, all remembrances of Christmas ornaments and decor may jog the memory of joyfulness or sadness as the years go by and we have lost some loved ones. But the joy of Christmas must be centered on Jesus,our Lord and Savior.

  2. I love the "joy of Christmas..." Did you know that I have Grandma's old nativity set? It still smells a bit like her when I open the box, however, each year the fragrance gets more faint. I'll send you a photo.

  3. What a lovely way to trim a tree. I have a few ornaments that were handmade for me that I truly cherish. Loved how you wrote the memories.

  4. It truely is...our tree is very simple this year with a group of vintage glass balls and white fairy lights. Merry Christmas


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