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become part of a story

lead me to the cross
lately i've been, i've been losing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be
but, baby i've been, i've been praying hard 
said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars 
One Republic

Yep, this is what I’ve been doing … praying, wondering, dreaming during Lent.  Now, it’s Holy Week and the question that keeps running through my cluttered head is from the old bumper-sticker, “WWJD?”  -  What would Jesus do?  Mixed with that little phrase are a lot of other words that have been written in my notebook.

in the notebook

clarity-confidence -  fierce and intense -  a love that defies logic - rules are tangible, faith is unseen -  places we don’t expect -  the bare foundation mocked -  dissipation - eager-waiting  - what condition is my condition - you are in the everyday -  a world of opposites -   and everything elseresponding to quiet -  audacious -  language walk -  become part of someone’s story -  grace fragments -  am I pushed to my knees 

Words put together make messages.  Messages give us information and reminders – the recognizable string around the finger.  Reminders jog us to encounters.

That’s what Jesus did; he encountered people, when the bareness of life was looking them, looking me straight in the face … mocking.  He checked out my condition with a love that totally defies logic, handing me fragments of grace in places that I didn’t expect.  Jesus became part of my story.

It’s hard to explain, but somehow when I respond to the quiet, I’m pushed to my knees to view a person who is fierce and intense, truthful beyond belief and has his arms flung open to give me the best monkey-grip hug.

Now it’s my turn to do the stuff Jesus does; learning to walk the language of the people I run into.  It’s about a cup of coffee, scrubbing a table, saying “hey.”  When you become part of another person’s story it becomes part of yours, like what Jesus did when he stepped into our everyday.

What am I dreaming about in my sleep-deprived state?  More than counting stars, I’m dreaming of what God’s grace-gift can do for our condition.

meeting up with author of grace,


If you have been mildly amused, challenged or inspired by what you have read, please pass on my blog to a friend, colleague, family member or even random acquaintance


  1. brought me to my knees..well stated..Love you Mom

    1. Thanks, Mom. Doing Jesus' stuff is really pretty simple, but we make it extremely complex.

  2. Very nice Missy. Happy Easter.

    1. Thanks, Marlene. Enjoy your Easter as well. ps - I'm a bit jealous of the WordPress conference you were able to attend with Sabine ...I'll post on your blog.

  3. Rules ..should...
    I don't like those words!

    1. Me neither...they are regulating and restricting. I do like, responding, becoming - they are positive and promising! Thanks for reading, Shirl!


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