Isabella Bird on her fourth birthday This is a short story about how Isabella became part of our lives ... and the namesake for my blog... Let me tell you a little story. It all started on an especially chilly December day, almost four years ago. Two months earlier, we had lost our old, chocolate girl. She had been troubled with bad hips and as time passed, developed arthritis making movement a difficult and painful process. At last, it was Awbrey’s time to leave this life, having tracked all over our hearts. Quiet rainy days of October and November set in, echoing the sentiment of our hearts, empty. Oh, we knew we would find a new Labby that would thrill and delight us, but we were coming into the Holidays…not the ideal time to get a new puppy. Logic and reason spoke “wait until after Christmas when the whirl settles down.” Still, we watched the paper, assorted internet sites and even visited a few kennels to merely "look" at puppi...