There was a day I was walking in the park with Isabelle. It's a daily activity that's pretty easy for me, now. But, several years back that wasn't the case. Discs in my lower back were pinching nerves, causing the most piercing pain I had ever experienced.
Walking was the worst; and I loved walking.
i saw you
walking in the park
birds chattered
with squirrels
i saw you
bent, moving slowly
willows shifting in the wind
sky lit and sparkling
i saw you
and i was sad
until i saw your smile
After infinite physical therapy treatments and injections and chiropractor visits my doc said a fusion was needed. I freaked, but at this point had nothing to lose and my very movement to gain.
Seven years later, I can hike and bike, kayak and snowshoe. I'm grateful for the mobility I gained.
I really, really want to be that type of person. The one who doesn't let physical, outward stuff be the definition of who I ultimately am inside.
Thank you, bent woman in the park for exposing grateful elements. I'm glad I saw you.
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