Cool, down-tempo music beat in the background.
I sat down for a cup of Chai and picked up my notebook; abandoning the cleaning.
I allowed myself to be transported by the acoustics to that vibing club. In my imagination, I walked in pulsing to the sounds. I wore a mod black slip dress, hair slightly messy with sun-kissed bare arms and legs.
Several years ago I might have pulled this off. Now, as an old woman, I still have the down beat in my soul and the messy hair; my legs and arms are waiting for the sun to come kiss them. Inside, I'm a cool girl. However, she's disguised in jeans and a baggie sweater swaying rhythmically with the mop.
This is a poetic-license look into one of my days last week.
One thing that didn't elude was a desire to listen to music, to be taken with it's rhythm and words. It infused my writing with a touch of raw honesty. I'm not that cool girl. I'm also not the old woman. I'm someone who's meandering somewhere in between.
I think it's ok to be not here and not be there. Mostly, that's how I live and always have; not quite fitting a mold or fitting in. My guess? Even the cool girl feels this way...
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