Ever feel like you're living in a roundabout? Where I live, we have several. They move traffic well, except when they don't. And of course, we all remember the scene from European Vacation where Chevy Chase keeps going round and round the Arc de Triomphe. There seemed to be no way out of the never-ending circle.
i'm circular
my weary mind a looping maze
all the paths it wanders come back to the same spot
i try to jump out of the hamster wheel
as it spins faster, but the centrifugal force holds me, stuck
Yeah, that's me. I'm circling around. Going through motions, held in place. Why can't I slow it down or make it stop?
i'm circular
revisiting habits and manners of being
how do i shatter those patterns so ingrained
rutted in the psyche
pushing hard on the lines that inhibit and restrain
one hand reaches through a thin place
As hard as I try, we try, the same stuff keeps coming up and back around. I become indistinct in the same grooves.
i'm circular
a top wound up throwing rainbow colors
in all directions
a carousel ride, theme park edition
at the end of the day it stops
and the chaotic music ceases
But what happens after a hand slips through? Do I exit the roundabout, the circular existence, if only for a span of time?
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