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A Bit About Isabella Bird ... the Writer

You might say that Isabella was a "blogger" in her own right.  Of course she didn't have the internet to post her thoughts, which is part of the technical definition of a blog. However, she kept a journal of her travels, political, religious and social views.
"A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space...Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world." -

As a child, Isabella was considered frail.  In those days (1831-1904) it was thought that frequent trips outdoors was good for body and soul.  (Side note:  It is good for me ... body, soul and spirit.)  After a surgery to remove a tumor from her spine and  time recuperating, she took the advice of her doctor and took her first trip abroad.

Isabella boarded a ship, making the journey across the Atlantic to North America, where she stayed for several months.  During this time she journaled daily and wrote frequent letters to her sister.  These writings became the groundwork for her first book, "An Englishwoman in America."

I have been wondering lately what might become of my writings?  I'm not sure that Isabella had those thoughts, initially.  I think writing was just a way for her to record her thoughts and impressions of the world around her.  And ... if that is all my writings are, I'm good.  It is good for the soul to put things down.  If someone else finds pleasure in reading my memos to the world, fabulous!

Sharing my thoughts and observations ~ Missy


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