Let freedmon ring ... reign |
I remember…
Like so
many other people, I remember this day, the events that transpired and how I
felt. Waking to a phone call from my
husband…he left a message on my phone.
It said, “honey, turn on the TV, don’t be afraid. I’ll protect you.” I received the message before even being
aware of what had taken place on the other side of our country.
the television on, I couldn’t even begin to comprehend what I was seeing. The images seemed like some warped Quentin Tarantino,
post-apocalyptic movie. The scenes were
surreal and the skies outside were eerily silent, except for the clarity of birds
morning, as I awoke and went about my usual routine of coffee and devos
outside, I was transported back to 2001.
It was a clear blue, blustery, mild morning, very much like what I was
enjoying today. The exception that I
noted was there were planes in the skies above me. For that simple happening I am very grateful.
Another photograph
time-stamped in my mind were of people gathering and praying. Hearing “God Bless America” sung in respect
and unity of mind and spirit. For a
brief period of time we came together to care, support and return to our Godly
roots. I wonder why it took such a sad
thing to remind us. I have no answer to
that question.
One thing
I do know, our freedom still stands. I
wish to thank those who have sacrificed their time, lives and personal pursuits
to protect my time, life and personal pursuits – past, present and future
protectors. I owe you a deep debt. May God greatly bless and honor you; may we
return to His ways.
If you have been mildly amused, challenged or inspired by what you have
read, please pass on my blog to a friend, colleague, family member or even
random acquaintance
Amen and Amen!!