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When things go splat!

Love those bike tires...
We’ve all done it.  You are walking along and all of a sudden you find yourself on the ground; wondering how it happened, and desperately hoping that no one saw you, but of course someone did.  They’re probably chuckling to themselves, well, because they too have taken that awkward tumble.  This is my recent version of that trip, spill, splat, whatever you want to call it. 

Last week I heard Lonny come home and enter through the garage.  Curious, I opened the door to see what was going on.  Usually, it means he has picked up some gleaned treasure that needs to be tucked away until its project time…faucets, springs, you never quite know. 

In theory, just stepping out to have a look, I abruptly found myself on the concrete pretty much face to face with my bicycle tires.  Not exactly a graceful move.

I’m not the clumsy type; I can walk quite nicely in stilettos, but not that day.  I’m still not sure what happened; whether I caught my heel, missed the step or just walked out.  My darling husband scooped me up and brought me inside, removing my boot, just in case my ankle started to swell.  The outcome of this, should I say adventure? - some stiff and sore body parts and a fine black and blue foot.  I think my self-respect took a bigger hit.  How in the world did I do that?

Mortifying story set aside, there are many things in life that go splat, be it jobs, houses, dreams, relationships or health issues.  Then we sit back and ask the same question:  how in the world did that happen? 

“So Elijah, what are you doing here?”
1 Kings 19:8 The Message

Uh yeah, I’m kind of wondering that myself.

Since splatting is inevitable, is there a point to this excruciating tale of calamity or do we all need to put on dark glasses to conceal our chagrin?  Learning from Elijah, and my own life, here are a few thoughts:
  • Be aware of what is going on around you – look, watch and then step out
  • Sometimes the trip (pun at least partly intended) will be too great for you
  • Take time to eat and sleep to gain strength, health and the right perspective
  • Maintain your sense of humor.  You might as well laugh at yourself and with others
  • Listen for the quiet voice of help.  It comes as a whisper, not in the commotion 

Okay, so here’s how this works, I’ve told you my red-faced chronicle, what’s yours?

Somewhat awkwardly tumbling through life ~ Missy

If you have been mildly amused, challenged or inspired by what you have read, please pass on my blog to a friend, colleague, family member or even random acquaintance. 


  1. Yep..we have all had are splats...and I too, wonder how did that happen??? lol..especially with others and ourselves..Love Mom

  2. I liked this post and how open you are. Sorry about the fall. I had one like it many years ago and broke my ankle. It was an odd fall. I felt an energetic push behind me but my sister swears she didn't touch me. You end up feeling awkward face down.:)


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